#2434 Premium-Nachmittags-SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 Jacky Nuttson 158.325
2 -PaaT y0y0 122.097
3 .one Republic 117.365
4 Dancestyle 110.961
5 -Comeback* 106.021
6 ****FaItHlEsS**** 103.734
7 FroZeNLiQuoRmC 89.028
8 .Fabeltjeskrant 63.451
9 master of the bigboom 59.751
10 Zahlenmonster 58.485
11 SouLmasTeR 54.661
12 Uthred of Bebanburgh 43.981
13 21cent 40.473
14 undefinierbar. 38.343
15 -Come and Go* 37.572