#2706 Easy2Noble: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 Uthred of Bebanburgh 168.879
2 Wanna fight? 152.429
3 Alk-Master 140.684
4 Lockenkopf 113.291
5 Doppelaccount 88.753
6 Einfach 0nly DEFF 83.701
7 *-ReVoLuTion* 72.832
8 fungy 72.255
9 -Feel the Beat 69.767
10 -m.joker* 59.580
11 -RisKanT 58.349
12 Supergusi 56.770
13 BreaKing DowN 54.381
14 *B4sH9r*goEZ H1GH 51.615
15 Lenny x3 50.101