#2904 Premium-Nachmittags-SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 -LoOoOoL* 161.627
2 -CrackSlut*M0nika 146.862
3 Uthred of Bebanburgh 135.066
4 -ChiLL.Out* 131.116
5 technical time0ut 122.687
6 pr0st 118.406
7 Capo32 cliick 102.492
8 Welcome to st.TropeZ 98.401
9 theking104 88.582
10 adrian00 85.834
11 melibokus 63.654
12 *SLeEp ?wHy?oO* 61.884
13 cuteray 58.036
14 Super Mario pwns you 56.913
15 TrugsessIV 55.543