#3684 Long Night SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 wanted player 540.320
2 Lacoste. 344.166
3 Reborning 328.385
4 High for This 50.047
5 Valentin f0r the Win 49.878
6 xxxanti1xxx 21.672
7 Uthred of Bebanburgh 19.858
8 Krewella 16.689
9 -*Sp0nGeBoB pwns you x3 14.940
10 Yuri* 12.098
11 Thaddäus 11.779
12 Pit Bull. 11.506
13 Fnatic*KiLlErEnTe 8.038
14 Ni3m4nd.de 6.607
15 Römische Kriegskunst 5.166