#6136 Morgen SDS: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 .pot of gold* 83.582
2 -battle lasurder- 54.556
3 -pot of gold. 40.567
4 jabor 29.041
5 sperling 25.513
6 Naruto Uzumaki 22.565
7 thelivinglegend 20.554
8 GrünerTee 17.409
9 Lord Proton 11.814
10 Lord Radical II 11.790
11 Quotenluder 9.423
12 yxes 9.300
13 Swissplayer 8.454
14 hapix 8.092
15 Lord Complar 7.586